How to Identify Eco-friendly Products

How do we know whether a product is eco-friendly or not ? It is a common question that people have when they are getting started on this journey.

We are still learning but this checklist is what we use to understand a product better no matter what the advertisement says.

1. How are they manufactured - resources used, water use and energy consumption. All-natural and least processed are the best.

2. Their nature. How they behave when they are being used - depends on their chemical content.

3. What happens after their use - home composting/industrial composting/recyclable/trash.

4. How much packaging is used. Can it be bought locally? Packaging should be minimal, compostable or recycled easily.

5. Some other metrics to consider - social impact and carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly Product Checklist -

1. Material & Composition

2. Production Process

3. Packaging

4. Energy Efficiency - low energy used

5. Compostability

6. Social Impact

7. Carbon Footprint


Even if 5 out of the 7 metrics are met, it is a good product to support. We think compostability(esp. at home) is a big one. It is a useful metric because the less processed, all-natural, non-toxic products are the ones that can be composted at home! 

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